Thursday, August 4, 2011

You give vegan moms a bad name

I recently read an article on "Natural Parenting" (a page I like on facebook) about a vegan couple who starved their baby because mom wouldn't breastfeed because of her vegan beliefs. You can read the article HERE. This was absurd and not an issue of veganism, but just stupidity; however, the average reader is obviously going to think vegan = bad. Then today I read THIS ARTICLE about another baby dying at the hands of the evil vegans. When I researched this case a little more, it becomes apparent that this again has nothing to do with being vegan. This baby died of an infection that the parents refused to get medical attention for. The fact that the baby had some vitamin deficiencies was essentially unrelated to the diet of the mom since all nursing moms are supposed to continue use of prenatals which contain all vitamins baby needs. So again, diet was the scapegoat to bad parenting. The whole point of these nonsensical "news" pieces seems to be discouraging vegan mommas and to make them feel like they are being bad moms because of their dietary choices. This blog will be used to dispel vegan myths (like my favorite about the elusive protein deficiency) but putting this one to rest is so important to me. Being vegan means you care about the world, animals, and perhaps most importantly your health. Breast milk is perfect food for baby whether you are vegan or not. To put your mind at ease check out THIS PDF which gives you explicit dietary advice about what to eat while breastfeeding and vegan. Most importantly, be a good mom. Take your prenatals and take care of your self as this all helps babies grow big and strong. My little one gained well over a pound in her first week despite my nefarious vegan diet. Don't let trash like those articles dissuade you from making good choices for your family!

P.S. Happy world breastfeeding week!!!

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